Andre Junget is a classic, self-taught illustrator with a "twist." He attended trade school and began his career as a tool-and-die maker. Working in the aerospace industry, he made components for NASA and turbine jet engines. Detail is in his blood!

While attending night school classes, he became fascinated with pen and ink, mainly the children's book illustrators working during the period between 1850 and 1925, known as the Golden Age of Illustration. The work of Franklin Booth, William Heath Robinson, Virgil Finlay, Joseph Clement Coll, Bertram Grovesnor Goodhue, and the painter and educator Robert Henri, the Ashcan School, and Andrew Wyeth, among many others, informed his style and dedication to draftsmanship. 

"My intention has always been for my work to reflect the reverence and influence these great illustrators have had on my work, honoring them in such a way they will never be forgotten." 

Composition and detail are critical in constructing his artwork. It takes just as much time to redraw something as it does by taking the time to compose it and draw it correctly the first time. Attention to detail is my mantra. I take great pride in my draftsmanship and in representing my clients' projects with all my skill and attention.

After being laid off due to outsourcing, he opened his studio in 1993. Teaching himself how to construct perspectives, he began working for real estate companies and, eventually, architectural firms. Over the years, he served as the in-house illustrator with Ferguson and Shamamian, Hart Howerton, Andrew V. Giambertone, Roman and Williams, Carole Kurth, MBDS, and GRADE NY.

Andre maintains studios in Beacon and Newburgh, NY, in the historic Hudson Valley. His work is featured in many books, publications, and collections of numerous architectural and interior design firms, and has been honored with several Awards of Excellence from the American Society of Architectural Illustrators. Fire Escape 1 resides in the permanent collection of the Slater Memorial Museum and Print Club of Albany. He was elected to the Society of Illustrators with the gracious support of the renowned pen and ink illustrator and educator Murray Tinkleman. In 2017, Andre was elected into the International Society of Scratchboard Artists and the Pastel Society of America in 2019. Andre is also building a portfolio of hand-pulled stone lithographs with Jim Reed, Master Printmaker at Milestone Graphics in New Haven, CT. 

Email him at to ask any questions about my work and how we can collaborate on your current or future projects.